Penny Simons
Salamander (Forest Fire Sprite) – Made of remains from the Kangaroo Valley Bushfires of the Summer of 2020. This “Fire Sprite” is a memorial to all the flora and fauna that perished in the fires throughout Australia at this time. Fire Sprites take on the character of fire when they fly, when they look like streaks of flame or fiery balls with long tails, otherwise they look like small boys with red caps and coats. The symbolic reference to fire sprites was the inspiration for this piece in the context of the environmental crisis and looming possible disaster ahead of us: Fire is wild, untameable and dangerous; it can burn those around it. This is true of the fire spirits too. They are intense, impatient of human ignorance; they can be intolerant of our failings, and capable of infernos of rage and intemperance. Rituals connected with fire spirits are necessarily concerned with placating the spirits, availing ourselves of their gifts while averting disaster. Fire is an agent of transformation, fire magic is concerned with action and will. Fire corresponds to energy, power, passion and vitality. I like to think that if we can harness the spiritual force of fire, we can use it as an agent for positive change rather than for deadly destruction.
Messenger – Birds are symbolic to many indigenous cultures, this totem was inspired by this collective indigenous spirituality. Birds soar as spiritual messengers between the Earth and the sky in native American cultures. Birds symbolise the flight of spirits to the Otherworld. Herons, Cranes, Storks, Pelicans are related to the Gods and Goddesses that preside over the mysteries of reincarnation, acting as guides to the Underworld in Celtic mythology. First Nation people of Australia believe the eagle is sacred because it flies closest to the Creator and symbolizes respect, honour, strength, courage and wisdom. It was also inspired by a pipe made by a gypsy/traveller that lived up in the hills behind where I lived as a young adult in Somerset, England.
Willow Lampshade – having a history in design I’ve always had a passion for functional art & craft forms. This is fully functional lampshade designed to hang over a dining table. I’ve also had a passion for being resourceful and not wasteful – therefore using “what is to hand”…. making use of materials that others want to throw out or destroy. This work is made (except for the electrical components and the wireframe), from entirely foraged weeds of NSW: willow and dock flowers. The flowers have been coated in clear glue to strengthen and preserve them.
Instagram: penny_simons
Website: www.pennysimons.com