How trees communicate, 2023, Mixed media on canvas
Rachel Carroll
The title quickly led me to explore the idea that trees do communicate with each other, they help and heal each other, this is a well-known but recent discovery. But I also began thinking about how we use trees to communicate to each other. The paper we write on the transactions we print. I recently had the joy of going through paper from an estate only to realise how many trees we collect in a life-time. How many notes, letters and formal documents we collect and then one day, discard. In this artwork I have reclaimed 5000 pieces of paper from printed bills to handwritten notes and cards. They have been used to create this artwork/installation of two trees talking to each other. Is it a full cycle? I hope so.
Website: www.rachelcarroll.com.au
Instagram: www.instagram.com/rachelcarrollart
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rachelcarrollartist