Adrienne Hunt
Landscape subterfuge 1 and 2 – My work references the constructed nature of much of the world’s topography, by representing ecosystems as constructed models. It seeks to focus attention on unreality and artifice, but more importantly – on the reality that life on earth is sustained within complex ecosystems – interdependent interactions between water, air and the inorganic and organic. Life itself is a cycle that is highly dependent on plants within diverse ecosystems, and evident in photosynthesis, growth, death and degradation, and water cycling through – a scenario within which new assemblages are formed. The process of manipulating the original scale and materiality of these places, focuses attention on interconnections, structure and textures, for the maker and the viewer.
Musings on a forest of possibilities – The viewer joins me as I pass through different forestscapes – finding ourselves in the ‘natural’ world, and in a future in which we cannot not participate. Positive responses are intentionally reinforced by melodic, multi-species communications within the living forest. But there are risks with such a portrayal – that might lead to further complacency or exploitation. To counter this, we also journey through these same places in altered states – distorted, decolourised, and lacking in the sounds that signify a diversity of life.
Website: www.adriennehuntsydney.com
Instagram: @adrienne_hunt_sydney